Serenity solutions

Serenity Solutions comprises members who are high-quality researchers, specialized professionals, and experienced individuals in various fields. Their focus revolves around pedagogy and research. The establishment of the company aligns with its offerings, responding to local and European socio-economic needs. Serenity Solutions, the created entity, encompasses four technical, executive, and educational branches.

Our Team

Serenity Solutions collaborates extensively with VET trainers, adult and youth educators, as well as professionals in the public and private sectors, offering a diverse range of in-service courses for professional development.

Partnerships and Memberships

Education Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

Serenity Solutions proudly maintains strategic alliances with esteemed European and national higher education institutions. These collaborations enrich our projects with diverse perspectives, cutting-edge research, and a global outlook. Our engagement extends to fostering meaningful connections with academic communities, contributing to the advancement of education and research on an international scale.

Focus on National Education in France

Our commitment to education extends to the French national school system. We actively participate in initiatives aligned with the goals of "école-entreprise" networks. By bridging the gap between the educational and economic realms, we support dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among young people, educational institutions, and the business community. Our involvement aims to facilitate access to information on promising professions, associated training, and to implement concrete actions that anticipate the professional integration of youth, emphasizing inclusivity.

Partnerships with Public Institutions and Normandy-Based Businesses

Serenity Solutions is deeply engaged with public institutions in France, forging collaborations that strengthen the intersection of education, research, and socio-economic development. Noteworthy partnerships include associations with entities such as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Caen Normandy, The Mouvement des Entreprises de France (Movement of French Enterprises) allows us to be part of an extensive network led by thousands of businesses and representatives in partnership with various institutions such as Pôle emploi, the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF), local and territorial authorities, universities, OPCAREG, TRANSITION PRO (specialized in professional retraining using tools like artificial intelligence), Chambers of Commerce and Industry, development agencies, AGIRC-ARRCO (complementary retirement for employees in agriculture, commerce, industry, and services), the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (Primary Health Insurance Fund), URSSAF (Social Security and Family Benefits Collection Agency), the National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions, Labor Courts, the National Employment Agency, and more.

Also, Serenity Solutions is also marked by its active participation in regional initiatives such as "Normandie Attractivité". These connections underscore our dedication to regional development and collaborative efforts with French businesses based in Normandy.

Why Us

Serenity Solutions, a company proudly based in France, is a dynamic and forward-thinking organization with a clear mission: to make a positive impact on society through education, research, and community engagement. Founded in response to local and European socioeconomic needs, our company is built upon a diverse and highly qualified team of professionals, including educators, researchers, and technical experts. Our work spans a wide spectrum of areas, from education and research to technical support and environmental sustainability. We are committed to fostering equal opportunities, inclusivity, and diversity across our initiatives, ensuring that our impact is felt by a broad range of audiences, including adults, youth, small and medium-sized enterprise employees, students, public entities, and educational institutions. With an extensive network of European partners in countries like Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Italy, France, Ukraine, and Spain, we have cultivated collaborations that bring an array of skills and networks to our projects.

These partnerships amplify our ability to contribute effectively to important initiatives on the European stage. Serenity Solutions is not just an organization; it's a catalyst for positive change, driven by our passionate and knowledgeable team. We are dedicated to creating a brighter, more inclusive, and sustainable future for all from our base in France.

Serenity solutions
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